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Douglas Valentine - Home Page

"A great book, one of Doug Valentine's best." Peter Dale Scott, author of Deep Politics and the Death of JFK

Douglas Valentine is our most unflinching chronicler of the Central Intelligence Agency's bloody and sordid history. In this book, Valentine unfolds his vast and detailed knowledge of the Agency, and its twisted subculture, in the context of a first-person recollection of a long and surreal research trip through South East Asia. Filled with dingy bars, broken men, humid cities, and slabs of corrupt, covert, and violent history, the landscape comes alive; and the world of the Central Intelligence Agency emerges as even more deranged than you had recalled. Compelling yet tragic, Pisces Moon is compulsive reading." Dr. Christian Parenti, Associate Professor of Economics at John Jay College.

"Doug Valentine belongs to that precious remnant of journalists and historians with the wisdom to see our time, the integrity and courage to write about it, and the literary grace to bring it all chillingly alive." Roger Morris, author of Richard Milhous Nixon: The Rise of an American Politician, 1991

As no other writer, Doug Valentine has been to the heart of darkness in American foreign policy and come back with stories of historic moment. His brilliant, courageous work is revelation, prophecy, wisdom. It will stand as a singular mark of our saving capacity to learn.
Roger Morris

The CIA as Organized Crime - French edition
The Hotel Tacloban is now available at Open Road Media (click to order)

contact me at dougvalentine77@gmail.com
check me out on Twitter and Facebook too.

The Douglas Valentine Vietnam Collection at the National Security Archive in Washington, DC, has been open and used by researchers since early 2007. The Collection contains the research material, including audio files of interviews with senior CIA and military officers in the Phoenix program, original handwritten interview notes, and government documents obtained from CIA and military officers as well as through FOIA requests, for my book The Phoenix Program. The Collection can only be used in the National Security Archive's Reading Room; it is not available for interlibrary loan and an appointment must be made to use it. The "resguide" link below will help anyone who wants to read the material.